Ballaugh School

Nurturing Independent, Aspirational Learners. Supported by Strong Partnerships with Home and the Community

Ballaugh School's safeguarding and child protection policy September 2023

Code of Conduct May 2024


Safeguarding Leaflet parents - Primary

Class R2 (Reception and KS 1) safeguarding information for pupils

Safeguarding Policy Leaflet for KS1 children

KS 2 Class 3 and Class 4 (ages 7 - 11) safeguarding information for pupils

Safeguarding Policy Leaflet for KS 2 children

Allergy and Anaphylaxis Management Policy for Schools March 2019

Bringing devices and “technology” in to school.

Digital watches and fitbit style wristbands. - Digital and analog watches are encouraged because they aid children in learning to tell the time and sequence events during the day, which are life skills. Fitbit style wristbands are also encouraged as they help children in the same way as watches but also encourage a healthy lifestyle.

Any items that can do more than tell the time or count steps are not allowed as they often become a distraction and are capable of doing things that may not be appropriate in a school setting, such as recording people's conversations, taking photographs or playing electronic games. Some of these activities are in contravention of the schools consent system for the use of a child's identifiable digital image.

Mobile phones are not required by any children while in school. If you need your child to have access to one immediately after they have left the grounds then I am happy to discuss this on a case-by-case basis. Please ensure that your child is not bringing a phone to school without prior consent.

Tablets - children do not need to bring their own tablet to school unless it is part of a strategy for meeting an educational need as agreed by the school.

Ballaugh Behaviour Policy

E-safety Policy

Health and Safety policy

Ballaugh Anti-bullying Policy

School Council Anti-Bullying Presentation Nov 2020

Parent helper guidelines Induction for Staff Safeguarding Children

Swimming policy and guidelines Sept 2018 onwards

School Swimming Attire

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About Our School

Ballaugh School is a small rural primary school, serving the village and parish community of Ballaugh. Due to our location we are a feeder school for both Ramsey Grammar School and QEII High School in Peel (conditional on your residence in our catchment…

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