Ballaugh School

Nurturing Independent, Aspirational Learners. Supported by Strong Partnerships with Home and the Community

Biosphere Young Nature Champion Awards 2024
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Congratulations to Poppy whose film about the life of the bees in her garden was selected as the overall winner in the Young Nature Competition 2024. Meanwhile, Eugene won the Manx Ornithological Society’s Bird Category with a beautifully illustrated piece about a visit to the Manx BirdLife Point o…

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Community Hollantide Fair
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On Friday evening the a group of children took part in the Parish's Hollantide Fair. At it they read about Mhelliah time, and Hop tu Naa and performed two dances. Thanks to Miss McHugh for organising and helping the children.

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National Finals
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Well that was more challenging. Still so very proud of our squad up against the best. We only lost 1- nil to the eventually winners and still unbeaten in the North. You are all winners in my book.

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"We are the champions" rang out in at least one household yesterday evening after the squad were crowned as not only the Northern Hockey Champions for 2024 but were also unbeaten AND didn't have one goal scored against them. This was a great accomplishment as other teams were made up from year 4 pu…

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MacMillan Family Breakfast Morning
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Today, Thursday 3rd October, we hosted our family breakfast morning in aid of the MacMillan Cancer Charity. Thank you to Mrs Townend and all of the staff that organised and helped with the morning The toast and cereal was GREAT!

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I'll Listen Benches
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Thank you to our School Council (ideas), Isle Listen (supporting our fundraiser and working with our children), IOM Prison (painting) and Adam Huxham (fabrication) and you the parents (funding) for our new playground benches that give the opportunity for people to sit and talk.

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Our Global Traveller
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Today we got to welcome Mr Perry for a very special reason. He has returned from a cycle tour of South America including Chile and Argentina. While he was away he kept in touch with Class R2, sharing his travels. Today he came in to show us his bike, with all it's survival equipment, and his map. T…

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A wonderful day at QEII High School
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Year 6 enjoyed a great "transition to secondary school" event at QEII High School. The staff there put on an excellent day for the children using Crime Scene Investigation activities to give the children a feel for the core subjects. Not only that, but the children had to get the school bus! It lea…

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