Welcome to Ballaugh School's website
I hope that you will find this website a useful resource during your child's time with us. As this website develops and evolves you will be able to find policies and information that are intended to support your child's learning. We will also publish other, more general, information that we believe is useful too. Please use the "contact" facility as it will forward your message directly to the school's email address.
Thank you
To the Friends of Ballaugh School for everything that you do. You know who you are!
To the Isle of Man Probation Service for helping to make our school look so lovely, and painting our railings for us.
Safeguarding and Child protection information, for adults and children, is in the policies section of this website.
FAQs - if you have a question, it may be answered by our FAQ sheet below
How you can stay up to date with the latest online risks that your children face as they grow up in an online-world
Keep abreast of the latest online safety information through the SaferSchools App. If you don't already have it, download from your App Store or Google Play. Make sure you have the push notifications allowed for this app. The code for Ballaugh School is 7440.
Learning to Learn
When supporting your child's learning, please bear in mind that how we learn is as important as what we learn and too much challenge can create a state of mind where we can not learn. Here are links to Growth Mindset and Good Learning Habits, also called Learning Disposition that you may find interesting.
BBC Growth Mindset
Good Learning Habits
Please see a "traffic light Plan" that the school is working too. We are currently at Level "Normal"
Ballaugh School Mitigations - Living with a Pandemic and other Illness

Please check out this very important page
"Keeping Your Children Safe"