Ballaugh School

Nurturing Independent, Aspirational Learners. Supported by Strong Partnerships with Home and the Community

Clicking on this link will take you to the Government's School Meals Page where you can find out about applying for Free School Meals (FSM), Allergens and see the menu. Please bear in mind that school specific changes to the menu do occur and it is best checking with Mrs Mylchreest, in the school office, to find out more

ParentPay - the school meals online payment system. You will receive a letter on your child’s official first day at school with your username and login details

Clicking on this link will take you to ParentPay's FAQs for parents

In your child's first week you will be given an activation letter to enable you to set up your ParentPay account. It will contain your personal activation username and initial password. During the activation process you will be guided through changing your password to something more memorable. You can also merge your accounts if you have more than one child at the school. Your child can have school dinners while your account is in the process of being activated.


The children are encouraged to bring a healthy snack and drink for the morning break time. We recommend that water is brought as juice can have a detrimental effect on teeth, especially when drunk from a “sports top” bottle.


There are nutritionally well balance school dinners provided for children who want them. Alternatively, a packed lunch can be brought in from home. The School Meals Service provide a menu with a choice of two main courses which is chosen at registration time each day. A copy of the menu is distributed twice per year and can be downloaded from the link above

Meals must be paid for in advance by using Parent Pay cash or a cheque made payable to the Isle of Man Government. You can pay for the meals on a weekly or half termly basis. If your child is absent we shall credit you with the appropriate amount. Please enclose the payment for dinners in a sealed envelope clearly marked with your child’s name.

If you wish to change lunchtime arrangements please give the school at least a 1 week period of notice.

Children bringing in packed lunches should have a suitable box/bag to carry their lunch in with their name clearly marked on it. Glass bottles and fizzy drinks are not permitted in school.


If your child has special dietary requirements then the medical information must be passed to school who will forward it to the school meals service.

FREE SCHOOL MEALS - You may wish to find out if your child qualifies for free school meals under the government’s scheme. This process is confidential in that teachers, children and dinnertime staff do not know who is receiving them. They are applied for annually and does not mean that your child is obliged to have a cooked meal, merely that they are available to them as soon as they choose to have a hot meal.


The children are encouraged to bring a healthy snack and drink for the morning break time. We recommend that water is brought as juice can have a detrimental effect on teeth, especially when drunk from a “sports top” bottle.


If your child has any allergies please inform the school so that any necessary precautionary measures can be put into place.

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About Our School

Ballaugh School is a small rural primary school, serving the village and parish community of Ballaugh. Due to our location we are a feeder school for both Ramsey Grammar School and QEII High School in Peel (conditional on your residence in our catchment…

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