Dear Parents
I hope this finds you well in every way. If you are having to isolate then I wish you a speedy and trouble-free recovery.
I trust that you have been able to find, and adjust to, a new normal, finding a balance that works for you. Although sustaining an appropriate level of learning / thinking is important to maintaining healthy brain development, we recognise that this input may not look the same in every household and it is important that the learning ideas that we have provided do not cause any anxiety or even impact negatively on family relationships during these exceptional times. You know what you can reasonably expect from yourself and your child during these unusual times.
If you have not yet accessed the support guidance for wellbeing on the school's website I would strongly recommend doing so via the links below.
Take care, stay safe, talk with others and ask for help.
We are listening and Ballaugh School is still here for you and your family.
Please take a couple of minutes to take part in our feedback survey which can be found here (this link has been removed, please refer to email 16/4/20). The information will help us to develop our support and partnership.
Graeme Cushnie
Ballaugh School