Ballaugh School

Nurturing Independent, Aspirational Learners. Supported by Strong Partnerships with Home and the Community

One of the most important lessons that you are teaching your child during this temporary closure is how much you value any forms of learning as well as education, and it happens through being modelled by you.

From the survey...

Can we (school) use Zoom or send videos of staff to the children? - Based on the DESC's current risk assessment for Zoom as well as the unknown security implications for personal computers we will not be using Zoom, or other free video tools, at this time. DESC policy is to not send pictures or videos of a personal nature to children.

Can we provide more instruction on how Maths is now taught - This link gives good guidance

Here’s some learning at home advice based on things that are working well.

What’s Working Well...

Following the suggested learning on the website and getting through the work in the mornings. No access to tablets, playstation and TV until 4pm. (Unless for school work or maths games)

The resources you've provided have helped us to provide some helpful structure day-to-day for

Only doing short periods of learning and keeping the children as active as possible

The Maths Mastery video lessons and learning tasks are great for supporting parents and children.

(In an age appropriate way) discussing the situation with your child, and encourage them to help plan their learning activities. This helps them to feel like a partner in the process, rather than simply being made to do it by Mum or Dad.

creating a simple reward system to encourage them to complete activities and use a timetable that they can see so they know what's coming next.

planning breaks and free time around the learning activities.

encouraging them to play board games, build with Lego, be in the garden and bake. It’s surprising by how much English, Maths and Science there is.

aiming for approximately 45 minutes of both Maths and English activities each day [depending on age and ability]. Also, spending 15-20 minutes reading on their own or listening to stories. [These are only suggested times. As the parent, you know best and know what is realistic to expect from your child in their context.]

when they’re working online or using the internet for research, setting up a laptop or iPad in a family area like the kitchen or dining room. [This means you can keep half an eye on what they’re doing.]

some want to get their learning out of the way in the morning, others learn after a chilled-out morning and some lunch.

I hope you find these useful.

You may be interested in this advice, which I also recommend, from STEM Learning (Science Technology, Engineering and Maths)

Survival guide for parents and carers home learning

Take care, stay safe and contact the school for advice or assistance

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CLOSURE - Learning at Home

Click this LINK to find the great resources that have been tailored for the home environment by the staff at Ardwhallan OEC Click this LINK to go to activities and videos from Culture Vannin about the Island Please see the latest newsletter update for 22…

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