Ballaugh School

Nurturing Independent, Aspirational Learners. Supported by Strong Partnerships with Home and the Community

Learning Maths
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We have had a busy week moving our learning in maths forward this week. In year 1 we have been looking at speedy counting in 5’s to support our mental maths skills. We drew around our hands and practised displaying the number on the light box. The year 2 children started looking at finding the quar…

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The Great Ballaugh Bake Off
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This week, families sent in their fruit and vegeatbles in order for the children to create their own interpretation of an Archimboldo face as part of our Great Ballaugh Bake Off topic. The star bakers this week were Autumn, Rebecca and Jack for using their learning to support the understanding of o…

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Staying Safe
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Today, Monday 13th November, we enjoyed an assembly with the NSPCC helping us to learn about personal safety. We talked about feeling happy, safe and well and who we should trust to talk to if we don’t. Buddy, the mascot, is the shape of a speech bubble and we all learned that we should ‘Speak Out,…

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GBBO (Great Ballaugh Bake Off)
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This week, was bread week in Class R2's Ballaugh Bake-Off tent. The Star Baker awards went to Teddy, Peter and Fraser. Everyone enjoyed their bread rolls (some children eating them in the playground before getting home after school and there were even some used for the following days lunch!) We als…

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Learning and sharing Manx Culture
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This afternoon the whole school was entertained by children form Class 4 sharing their learning about Manx traditional customs. They had been learning with Mrs Salmon, our Manx language and culture teacher.

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R2 Dinosaur Assembly
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On Tuesday Morning the school hall was full of the sound of Class R2 sharing their learning with their important people from home. Someone special had come for everyone in the class. Well done Class R2 and thank you to the people from home that visited, watched and stayed for a chat.

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Global Learning - Diwali
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This afternoon we were very fortunate to have a visit from friend of the school, Daxa Patel. Mrs Patel has been involved with Ballaugh school for many years and always supports our learning about Diwali.

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Skype an expert
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Today class R2 enjoyed a live link with Paige Depolo, a geoscientist and palaeontologist from Edinburgh University. All the children had prepared and asked her a range of questions linked to our dinosaur topic. Paige also shared with us that she has discovered the footprint of a Stegasaurus on the…

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