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On Sunday 10th November our school wreath was laid at the cenotaph by two of our oldest pupils. Thank you.
Nurturing Independent, Aspirational Learners. Supported by Strong Partnerships with Home and the Community
At 7 pm on Friday 7th of November the children from classes 3 and 4 entertained the village in the Parish Hall before the opening of the Hollantide Fair. Pupils from Class 3 performed two poems, one of which was written specifically for the school by local poet, while the Drama club presented "Cind…
Everyone in school learned more about homelessness on the Isle of Man thanks to having a visit from Graih. Graih is a local charity that helps those that find themselves homeless. We learned that homelessness isn't just about not having a roof over your head. We now have a small basket in the entra…
Today we said goodbye to Mrs Boyde. We hope she knows how much she will be missed. There are more pictures of the gifts that she was given in the gallery. On behalf of the whole school community, thank you for your generosity. Special thanks to Mrs Done for painting the Wallaby and to all of the ch…
As part of Manx National Week, Isle of Man Post Office is encouraging the promotion of its recently launched ‘Greetings in Manx’ stamps that have been produced in collaboration with Culture Vannin. They are designed to encourage popular use of the Manx language. The set of stamps are a picture of a…
In the wake of Bill Dale's visit to school and his generous donation of litter pickers, one family took up the challenge of helping to clean up their village. Thanks to them, the school grounds are even cleaner. Thanks Guys. Looking after the environment certainly begins close to home.
Thursday 9th May was the day of the R2 fashion show! A huge thank you to Stevie and Georgie from the campsite for the most amazing setting and to all the parents for supporting the children on the catwalk. The children had planned and made their T-shirts and written a short commentary to accompany…
This afternoon the school football squad played "out of their skin", winning their group and remaining unbeaten all the way to the final. Despite a valiant effort we lost 0 - 1 to a very strong side from Michael school. Well done everyone, particularly the squad, but also to the parental cheer lead…
Today we enjoyed our time at Ballamoar Campsite learning about summer plants and producing summer planters for the campers to enjoy throughout the season. Stevie had constructed the fantastic planters and Georgie helped us learn about all the herbs and flowers we planted. It won’t be long until we…