Ballaugh School

Nurturing Independent, Aspirational Learners. Supported by Strong Partnerships with Home and the Community

Junior Achievement (IOM)
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Today we welcomed yet more friends of the school to Ballaugh. This time Junior Achievement trainers joined years 5 and 6 to help them better understand the financial responsibilities that they will experience as they get older. Thank you for coming in to help us learn.

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St John Ambulance
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Today we were very pleased to welcome more friends of the school, trainers from St John Ambulance. They spent the day with years 5 and 6 teaching them the basic first aid that could help someone stay alive until the professionals get there. For year 6 this was a welcome refresher as "practice makes…

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Ancient Greek Olympics
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To celebrate their learning topic, Ancient Greek Life, Class 4 recreated the events of Greek States' original Olympics. Sparta were victorious! More photographs are available to view in the Gallery

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Today (6/4/22) the school hall was full of excited children sharing with other families their fantastic castle creations. Over the past half term, the children have shared their classroom learning with their families and developed a castle with their families at home. Today, we all enjoyed looking…

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Skipping Workshop
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On the afternoon of Monday 4th April we welcomed Lizzie Cox, a national skipping coach to our school. She ran works with all of the children, from reception to year 6, to help them develop their skills and learn new techniques through practice and constructive feedback. Since then we have seen lots…

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Medieval events
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This week, in the glorious Spring sunshine, Class R2 enjoyed archery and jousting as part of their "Castles" topic. Special Thanks to Michelle for helping to make it happen. More photographs can be found in the gallery.

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This week we welcomed back the performing arts for the first time in 2022. Class 4 performed this Dickensian classic for their parents before treating the rest of the school today. Thank you all.

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Fun Race Afternoon
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Thank you to everyone that joined us on Thursday afternoon. The weather was perfect and the children were a credit to the community, cheering everyone, being resilient and demonstrating personal courage. It was such a busy afternoon that we were unable to take many pictures but there are a few more…

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