Ballaugh School

Nurturing Independent, Aspirational Learners. Supported by Strong Partnerships with Home and the Community

Class R2 Planting for the Community
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Today we enjoyed our time at Ballamoar Campsite learning about summer plants and producing summer planters for the campers to enjoy throughout the season. Stevie had constructed the fantastic planters and Georgie helped us learn about all the herbs and flowers we planted. It won’t be long until we…

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Class R2's Exhibition of Castles
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As an exciting finish to our topic, today we held a Castle Exhibition. We invited all our families who have helped us make them over the past few weeks, and shared our learning with one another. As we enjoyed one another’s creations, we wrote down our favourite aspect onto a review sheet to share.…

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Castles, Towers and Tunnels
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The parents of the children in reception and key stage one had one evening to create an impressive tower from a box of sugar cubes. The children were asked to think about who they would work with? They also had to consider if they were making a tower they have seen or a design they had created them…

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Validation 2019
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Thank you to everyone that helps to make Ballaugh School such a wonderful place to learn. External Validation 2019 Ballaugh Primary School Validation Report Ballaugh Primary School recently received an external validation of its self review process, which involved confirming the judgments the schoo…

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Celebrating Differences - National Wutism Awareness Week
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As part of Autism Awareness Week we have been speaking to the children about "differences" and reinforcing the message that we are all different, we are all unique and that we need to accept, tolerate and embrace such differences.This has also given us the opportunity to reinforce our values (compa…

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Our Friends from the NSPCC
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Today, Tuesday 5th March, we were visited by Suzanne, Nicky and Buddy, the speech bubble mascot for the NSPCC. The message that they shared in two assemblies (age appropriate for Class R2 followed by KS 2) was "Speak Out. Stay Safe" and that we all have a right to feel safe. They shared lots of use…

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Our view of Manx Youth Orchestra and Guitar Ensemble
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On Wednesday 27th February every child in school was given the opportunity to experience being at an orchestral performance in the Royal Hall of the Villa Marina. The MYO and Guitar Ensemble (containing Manx school children and their music teachers) played many familiar pieces such as the Thunderbi…

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Safer Internet Week
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Every time we use the internet is an opportunity to talk about being safe online. During internet safety week our focus has been about permission and consent. Please have a look at some of the other linked resources below. Ballaugh E safety booklet 2018 SID2019 Parents Conversation Starters SID2019…

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