Ballaugh School

Nurturing Independent, Aspirational Learners. Supported by Strong Partnerships with Home and the Community

I hope you’ve all got on well with learning the last set of spellings which were from the statutory word list. This week your list of words are Words with a /sh/ Sound Spelt with ‘ch’.

Here is some handwriting examples you could practice on a spare piece of paper.

Handwriting Practice.pdf

Here are some other useful and interesting links

Think You Know

This is a website to help you learn about staying safe online and there will be a new activity to do every week the schools are closed. There’s information too for parents and carers.

Art and Craft Activities

Just a reminder to view it in reader view to eliminate all the adverts (click on set of lines on the left-hand side of search bar)

A selection of things to draw with full demonstrations

Games, recipes, crafts and activities


Fun way to learn spelling patterns and tricky words

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Class 3 Learning Suggestions

On the button below you will find advice for using an exciting new resource. This information, usernames and passwords have been emailed out directly to parents by Miss McHugh. So as not to use any personal information belonging to the children they have…

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