Ballaugh School

Nurturing Independent, Aspirational Learners. Supported by Strong Partnerships with Home and the Community

Our partners in online safety, Safer Schools, have launched a new version of their app. If you have a smart phone then please visit the Play Store or App Store to download the new version. It has been redesigned to support you in helping your child to navigate an increasingly challenging online environment. Even if your child does not have an online presence yet, it can also help you to prepare for that time.

Once downloaded, the code for you to access the app for Ballaugh School is 9503

On this page we have provided links to other sites that I hope you find informative.

In an ever changing world it can be difficult to keep abreast of the issues that our children face as they grow up. The world that they are growing up in is so very different to the world that we grew up in that it can be difficult to understand the challenges that they face. Please let us know if you have found this information useful.

This link will take you to the SaferSchools Home Hub where you will find resources to help you support your child to learn about reducing the risks associated with being online

Please also check out our policies here school policies and the Safeguarding Leaflet for parents, as well as the E-Safety Leaflet




Click on the picture below (PEGI is the Pan European Game Information website and has lots of really interesting and useful information)

Really Useful Information about Gaming

Click on the picture below to get the latest online / e-safety advice from the NSPCC
