Ballaugh School

Nurturing Independent, Aspirational Learners. Supported by Strong Partnerships with Home and the Community

Power Maths free online eBooks

(a guidance for parents video is at the bottom of this page)

These books provide daily maths lessons and practice questions which can be used as an alternative to or alongside White Rose maths schemes. Below are links for each year.

When you access the link, it will ask that you accept the terms and conditions of use – scroll down to the bottom of the page, tick the box and click continue. A new window will appear with that years learning resources. Hover over ‘Open Book’ and there are 3 options available. Choose ‘Practice book Summer Home Edition’.

This will take you directly into the eBook version Summer Term Home Learning which includes a daily lesson with instruction, methods and a practice page all in one book - (you may need to disable your pop-up blocker). The lessons run in tandem with the White Rose scheme which is published on their own site (White Rose Maths Home Learning Page) and on the bbc bitesize daily lesson too.

The daily lessons involve a Discover and a Share activity for each step. This would be better viewed as single pages – click on this option at the bottom left hand side of screen.

The Discover question is a starter question which allows children to use their existing knowledge to ‘have-a-go’ at answering the problem. If you click on the drawing tool at the bottom it allows you to write an answer on the eBook, or there is an option to make a note – a sticky note will appear on the screen and any working out and answers could be typed onto that if preferred (remember to save the note)

The Share activity looks at all the possible ways of answering that particular question with top tips given by the characters in the book for the different methods.

Its then time for some independent practice. Again, pages can be written on with the drawing tool or notes used to record answers and working out. It can be viewed single or double page.

Children could then screen shot or photograph their answers to share with their teachers. If you close the tab within your internet browser you will lose any annotations within the eBook, so you may want to keep it permanently open and minimise the window.

Extra Resources can be found by clicking directly on the Power Maths Year group (highlights in orange when you hover over) These provide extra practice questions for each lesson that may require a little more thought and written explanations. These are not eBooks so cannot be annotated like the Summer Home learning Edition. You would need to either write down the answers in a notebook or print off the pages of the practice book to write on.

A screen will appear with the option to go into Termly text books.

Corresponding practice books can be accessed by clicking on the Resources tab.

Also note that you can access the ‘Summer Home Learning’ ebook from here too.

There is an accompanying ‘how to’ video link for parents to see how all the resources can be used.

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